A man applying shaving foam to a shaving brush

New to Wet Shaving?

A razor and shaving brush
A razor and blades on a towel

Traditional Wet Shaving

When it comes to shaving, there are 2 methods to choose from.  Either using an electric razor (dry) or a manual razor (wet).

There are several different options when considering wet shaving. You can use a cartridge razor, DE safety razor or cut-throat razor.  When considering traditional wet shaving for beginners, we are talking about the DE safety razor.

A traditional wet shave will give you a better shaving experience than an electric razor. You will achieve a closer smoother shave.

Essential Tools for Beginners

1 – The Razor

There are several different options when choosing a De safety razor.  But for a beginner, a simple 2 piece razor with a standard-length handle is recommended.

2 – Shaving Cream or Soap

Some form of lubrication is desirable, as it helps the blade to glide across the skin easily, preventing tugging and shaving rashes. For beginners, we suggest a shaving cream rather than shaving soap.

3 – The Brush (Optional)

A shaving brush is an optional extra, but it can make producing a thick creamy lather easier.

4 – Styptic Pencil

The styptic pencil is both antiseptic and astringent, so dab it on any cuts or nicks to help the healing process.

5 – Aftershave

Aftershave soothes and disinfects the skin after shaving. Choose between a traditional alcohol-based splash (which can be drying) or a balm for more moisturising benefits

Top Tips

✅ Use warm water to soften the hair before shaving.

✅ Use a high-quality shaving cream to create a protective barrier.

✅ Make sure you use a sharp blade.

✅ Take your time and shave in the direction of hair growth.

✅ Apply a gentle alcohol-free aftershave or balm to hydrate and calm the skin.