What is beard oil, and why should you use it?

What is beard oil, and why should you use it?

Information about beard oils and the benefits to using it

How to get rid of Shaving Rash

How to get rid of Shaving Rash

A discussion about the causes of a shaving rash and tips on how to reduce or eliminate it

Brand Spotlight – Geo. F. Trumper

Brand Spotlight – Geo. F. Trumper

A review of Geo F Trumper.
Is shaving cream the best option for wet shaving?

Is shaving cream the best option for wet shaving?

A look at the different products you can use when wet shaving.
Eco-friendly Shaving

Eco-friendly Shaving

How environmentally friendly is your shaving routine?

The Benefits of Buying Local: Supporting UK-Made Products

The Benefits of Buying Local: Supporting UK-Made Products

A discussion about the benefits of buying local
Summer Holiday Grooming

Summer Holiday Grooming

What products can you take on a flight?
A Beginner's Guide to Traditional Wet Shaving

A Beginner's Guide to Traditional Wet Shaving

Everything you need to know to master the art of wet shaving